Posts Tagged ‘bird photography’

Dance of the Demoiselle Crane, Kichan Rajasthan

Dance of the Demoiselle  Crane, Kichan Rajasthan

Until a decade or two ago, Khichan was just another forgotten village 144 kilometers north-west of Jodhpur. Today its on the world map, famous as the Demoiselle Crane Village, attracting bird lovers, photographers and tourists alike from India and abroad.

Gathered in huge groups, the demoiselle cranes, the smallest of the crane species, are a pleasure to watch. They move this way and that together, like in a ballet, their wide red eyes sparkling in the morning sun.

The Birds I Shot in my Orchards.

The Birds I Shot in my Orchards.

When I was growing up I wanted to become a hunter. I was encouraged in my bloody endeavor by my father when he got me my cousin’s hand -me -down air-rifle. With it I shot a wide variety of birds that live in the orchards and its periphery.
The birds were shot for morbid boyish pleasure of course but there were some like the streaked laughing thrush and the oriental turtle dove we barbequed in the jungle and ate. The streaked laughing thrush was particularly delicious and as a bird lover now , disconcerting though the thought is, my mouth still waters at the memory of the flesh.