Posts Tagged ‘nepali town’

Kanchenjunga Expedition- Football match in Tapleyjung (Day 10)

Kanchenjunga Expedition- Football match in Tapleyjung (Day 10)

Today is Rakhi-so perhaps the residents of Tapleyjung thought of no better way of commemorating the event that by organising a girl’s soccer tournament.

Kanchenjunga Expedition- Tapleyjung Nepal(Day 6 to 8th)

Kanchenjunga Expedition- Tapleyjung Nepal(Day 6 to 8th)

The town is quite except for the occasional barking of dogs, the hoarse quacking of the ducks and the crowing of the cocks. A steady stream of low noises of hammering and sawing also emanate from a workshop nearby that makes furniture. I have seen some more shops in the bazaar that manufactures furniture. I wonder if it is the close proximity to the trees in the forests or whether Tapleyjung is the furniture mart of the near and far towns.